Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nutritional Tips for An Anti-Inflammatory Thanksgiving Feast

Happy Thanksgiving!

Keep inflammation and pain at bay today with the tips below:

Have as many foods as you can with Omega 3 fats on the table such as walnuts and winter squash.

Avoid foods you are allergic to like nightshades vegetables (i.e. potatoes, tomatoes) which may trigger pain flareups.

If you need a snack, choose pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. They’re loaded with good fats that are anti-inflammatory.

Keep calm. Don’t let small family dramas get you upset. Stress and anger cause inflammation.

Limit your intake of sugar today -- too much can cause inflammation and joint pain.

Try to eat as many raw, green leafy vegetables as possible.

Include plenty of fiber rich foods such as sweet potatoes, green beans, or brussel sprouts.

Eat a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits which provide plenty of antioxidants.

If you choose to drink alcohol  with your Thanksgiving meal, red wine is preferential. Moderation is key of course!

Never eat anything with Trans Fats! Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic conditions have been associated with trans fat consumption. They are found in prepackaged pie crusts, ready-to-bake biscuits & cakes, etc.

Get outside! Go for a nice brisk walk if you can or do some other physical activity.

Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Tips for Special Needs Children

Tell your child in advance who's coming over or if you're going to
                           someone else’s home

Have staple food available if your child is on a special diet.
Awareness- Make sure your guests know your child’s special needs.
Nonverbal children may need extra prompting in someone else’s home.
Keep healthy snacks your child likes handy.
Send home doggie bags so you don’t have “illegal” foods left over.
Get outside to burn off some energy.
Involve your child in preparations for the holiday.
Vegetables disguised with other foods is essential.   (Check out Jessica
                                 Seinfeld’s “Deceptively Delicious” for ideas)

Invite those who have been supportive to you.
Never compromise your routines; it'll be difficult to get back on track.
Gratitude – Remember to be thankful for your beautiful family.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Therapeutic Yoga for the Spine: Yoga as a Tool for Creating Wellness..... Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:00am- 2:00pm

Today, more and more people are turning to complimentary alternative medicine techniques in order to resolve a wide variety of disorders, from musculo-skeletal in nature, to cardiovascular and neurological. There is evidence that certain yoga postures offer effective treatment for chronic pain and range of motion deficits resulting from trauma and/or the degenerative process.

Please join Dr. Joanne Cesiro and myself for our therapeutic workshop this Saturday, November 13, 2010 from 10-2 pm at The United Methodist Church, 407 Main Street, Farmingdale, NY. Whether you are suffering from pain or are interested in learning yoga to develop a strong core for spinal wellness, this workshop will teach you to optimize your overall health naturally.

Our workshop is designed to help participants develop strength, stamina, and proper body alignment. Topics to be covered include:

* Basic anatomy
* Diagnoses of the back
* Precautions and contraindications

In addition, we will demonstrate appropriate asana sequences (yoga poses) to relieve spinal pain and promote spinal wellness. Each asana will be practiced together to ensure proper alignment to achieve maximum health benefits.

Workshop Prices are as follows:
Members: $30 in advance; $35 at door
Non-members: $45 in advance; $50 at door.

A light vegetarian buffet will be served.

For more information contact Long Island Yoga Association at

Monday, November 8, 2010

Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorders... Unlocking Your Child's Full Potential Holistically Through Diet, Vitamins & Brain-based Exercise -- Invitation to Lecture 11/9/10 Wild By Nature

Neurological disorders are on the rise. Autism now affects 1 in 110 children; The Center For Disease Control (CDC) figures show that 4.6 million children had a learning disorder in 2007 and 4.5 million children were diagnosed with attention defict hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that same year. CDC also reports that 56% of children with ADHD were on prescription medication (2003.)

Early diagnosis and intervention are key to developing a child's full potential.

Please join me tomorrow, Tuesday, November 9, 7:00 pm at Wild by Nature in E. Setauket for my lecture on holistic therapies for pediatric neurological disorders such as ADHD, Autism and learning disorders. Learn how natural therapies address the source of your child's symptoms, without the need for medication or surgery. Discover how diet, nutritional supplements, and physical and cognitive exercises can help improve connections in your child's brain.

Attendees will gain a better understanding of the neurological mechanism behind behaviors such as impulsivity and inattention in children diagnosed with ADHD or learning disabilities, or spinning, swaying and stimming behaviors in children with Autism. I'll cover the importance of diet, specifically how the gluten-free/casein free diet can make significant improvements in such areas as speech, bowel habits, language, behavior and sensory issues for children with neurological disorders. In addition, I'll provide helpful tips on how to adopt a gluten-free lifestyle and how to keep your child's diet on track during the upcoming holiday season.

For directions contact Wild By Nature; 631 246 5500.

Hope to see you tomorrow night!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Keri Chiappino
Board-certified Chiropractic Neurologist
Defeat Autism Now! Practitioner