Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nutritional Tips for an Anti-Inflammatory Thanksgiving Feast

Some Food For Thought: 

  • If you plan to serve turkey, try to buy organic if possible. Try Wild By Nature, Whole Foods, Trader Joes or similar grocers.

  • Eat as many foods as you can with Omega 3 fats on the table -- i.e. walnuts and winter squash.

  • If you have allergies, avoid foods like nightshades vegetables (i.e. potatoes, tomatoes) which may trigger pain flareups.

  • Good snack choices are nuts! Choose pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. They’re loaded with good fats that are anti-inflammatory.

  • Limit your intake of sugar which can cause inflammation and joint pain.

  • Eat a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits which provide plenty of antioxidants.  Fill your plate with as many raw, green leafy vegetables as possible.

  • Be sure to include plenty of fiber rich foods such as sweet potatoes, green beans, or brussel sprouts.

  • If you choose to drink alcohol, red wine is preferential. Moderation is key of course!

  • Remember, never eat anything with Trans Fats!   Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic conditions have been associated with trans fat consumption. They are found in prepackaged pie crusts, ready-to-bake biscuits & cakes, etc.  Read nutritional labels before purchasing any packaged foods.  Steer clear of anything containing the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils in the ingredients list.  Even though a label may list "0 grams of trans fats" these products do in fact contain trans fats;  products containing less that .5mg of trans fats per serving are allowed by law to list themselves as trans fat free.

  • Don’t let small family dramas get you upset. Stress and anger cause inflammation.

  • Get outside! Go for a nice brisk walk if you can or do some other physical activity.

Thanksgiving Tips for Special Needs Children

Tell your child who is coming over or if you are going to someone else’s home.
Have staple food available if your child is on a special diet.
Awareness- Make sure your guests know your child’s special needs.
Nonverbal children may need extra prompting if you are in someone else’s home.
Keep healthy snacks your child likes handy.
Send home doggie bags so you don’t have too many “illegal” foods left over.
Get outside to burn off some energy.
Involve your child in preparations for the holiday.
Vegetables disguised with other foods is essential.         
Jessica Seinfeld’s "Deceptively Delicious")

Invite those who have been supportive to you.
Never compromise all your routines, or it might be difficult to get back on track.
Gratitude – Remember to be thankful for your beautiful family.

Happy Thanksgiving from Dr. Keri Chiappino and Dr. Brent Reynolds

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gluten-Free Eating & Cooking for the Holidays

Approximately 1 in 133 people are diagnosed with Celiac Disease, a genetically linked digestive disease triggered by the consumption of the protein gluten. It is estimated that 21,000 people on Long Island suffer with the disease which left unchecked, can lead to malnutrition and a variety of complications. Adopting a gluten-free diet and lifestyle can help manage the disease, but can be especially challenging during the upcoming season of celebration.

If you need a bit of help maintaining your gluten-free lifestyle during the holidays, or want to learn more about what to prepare for the Thanksgiving, we invite you an informational workshop hosted by Dr. Reynolds and Nicole Lawrence of Feel Goods Cafe in St. James. Check out the workshop description below. Keep in mind that space is limited, so make your reservation early (631 265 1223). We hope to see you there.

Gluten-Free Cooking for the Holidays -- Monday November, 16 2009

Join Chiropractic Neurologist and nutritional specialist Dr. W. Brent Reynolds of New Life Chiropractic and Nicole Lawrence proprietor of Feel Goods Cafe (www.feelgoodsforlife.com) for a preholiday workshop presentation designed to take the guesswork out of what to eat and prepare for the holidays for those suffering from Celiac Disease or gluten allergies. Learn about the effects of gluten on the body and the brain, how it impacts the nervous system and is associated with many other diseases not traditionally linked to food allergies. Discover the not-so-obvious gluten allergy signs as well as unexpected foods where gluten can hide. Taste savory classic Thanksgiving food samples prepared by Nicole Lawrence – gluten-free gravy, stuffing, and brownies.

Helpful tips will be given on how to organize your kitchen with dedicated pans to protect against gluten contamination and how to substitute alternative ingredients in your holiday recipes. Menu suggestions for the holiday season will be offered. Space is limited; Reservations required. Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 7:30 pm @ Feel Goods Café, 412 No. Country Road, St. James, NY. Fee: $10. Call New Life Chiropractic at 631 265 1223 for more information or to book your reservation. www.newlifechiropractic.com.