Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

The cold snap that brought snow and freezing temperatures to the northeast continues this week. If you are still digging out, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Stretch out before venturing outside. Get your blood pumping and joints moving by stretching the arms, back, shoulders and legs. Devoting a few minutes to exercise prepares your body for the vigors of shoveling and helps avoid any muscle pulls.
  • Wear sturdy boots/shoes with good tread to maximize your footing and help minimize the risk of a fall. If possible, try sprinkling some sand underfoot to provide some extra traction.
  • Dress properly to avoid hypothermia, a dangerous condition where body temperature drops. Layers are best. 
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
  • Use a lightweight, ergonomically-designed, non-stick shovel.
  • Fresh snow is light snow -- get out and clear your walkway before it compacts on the ground.
  • When shoveling, try to push the snow to the side, rather than lifting. Stand with your feet apart at hip width to maintain proper balance.
  • If you must dig and toss the snow, lift with your legs, keeping your back straight; tighten your stomach muscle to avoid straining your back. Avoid twisting your body; rotate your entire body to face the direction you are throwing in.
  • Start slowly and pace yourself to avoid placing a sudden stress on your heart. Remember that cold air makes it harder to breathe and work, placing more demand on your body.
  • Know when to call it quits. If you're feeling pain or exhaustion take a break.
  • If you are elderly, a heavy smoker, have a heart condition or a history of back problems, or lead a sedentary lifestyle, it's best to avoid shoveling altogether. Enlist the help of family members or kind neighbors.

Despite the best intentions to shovel properly, injuries sometimes do occur. Stress from lifting during the winter season can cause lower back strain, muscle spasms, disc damage, and even spinal fractures. If you experience pain, seek help immediately. Your chiropractor can help pinpoint the cause of the pain, relieve the problem, and get you feeling in tip top shape again.

-- Dr. Keri Chiappino & Dr. Brent Reynolds

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nutritional Tips for an Anti-Inflammatory Thanksgiving Feast

Some Food For Thought: 

  • If you plan to serve turkey, try to buy organic if possible. Try Wild By Nature, Whole Foods, Trader Joes or similar grocers.

  • Eat as many foods as you can with Omega 3 fats on the table -- i.e. walnuts and winter squash.

  • If you have allergies, avoid foods like nightshades vegetables (i.e. potatoes, tomatoes) which may trigger pain flareups.

  • Good snack choices are nuts! Choose pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. They’re loaded with good fats that are anti-inflammatory.

  • Limit your intake of sugar which can cause inflammation and joint pain.

  • Eat a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits which provide plenty of antioxidants.  Fill your plate with as many raw, green leafy vegetables as possible.

  • Be sure to include plenty of fiber rich foods such as sweet potatoes, green beans, or brussel sprouts.

  • If you choose to drink alcohol, red wine is preferential. Moderation is key of course!

  • Remember, never eat anything with Trans Fats!   Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic conditions have been associated with trans fat consumption. They are found in prepackaged pie crusts, ready-to-bake biscuits & cakes, etc.  Read nutritional labels before purchasing any packaged foods.  Steer clear of anything containing the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils in the ingredients list.  Even though a label may list "0 grams of trans fats" these products do in fact contain trans fats;  products containing less that .5mg of trans fats per serving are allowed by law to list themselves as trans fat free.

  • Don’t let small family dramas get you upset. Stress and anger cause inflammation.

  • Get outside! Go for a nice brisk walk if you can or do some other physical activity.

Thanksgiving Tips for Special Needs Children

Tell your child who is coming over or if you are going to someone else’s home.
Have staple food available if your child is on a special diet.
Awareness- Make sure your guests know your child’s special needs.
Nonverbal children may need extra prompting if you are in someone else’s home.
Keep healthy snacks your child likes handy.
Send home doggie bags so you don’t have too many “illegal” foods left over.
Get outside to burn off some energy.
Involve your child in preparations for the holiday.
Vegetables disguised with other foods is essential.         
Jessica Seinfeld’s "Deceptively Delicious")

Invite those who have been supportive to you.
Never compromise all your routines, or it might be difficult to get back on track.
Gratitude – Remember to be thankful for your beautiful family.

Happy Thanksgiving from Dr. Keri Chiappino and Dr. Brent Reynolds

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gluten-Free Eating & Cooking for the Holidays

Approximately 1 in 133 people are diagnosed with Celiac Disease, a genetically linked digestive disease triggered by the consumption of the protein gluten. It is estimated that 21,000 people on Long Island suffer with the disease which left unchecked, can lead to malnutrition and a variety of complications. Adopting a gluten-free diet and lifestyle can help manage the disease, but can be especially challenging during the upcoming season of celebration.

If you need a bit of help maintaining your gluten-free lifestyle during the holidays, or want to learn more about what to prepare for the Thanksgiving, we invite you an informational workshop hosted by Dr. Reynolds and Nicole Lawrence of Feel Goods Cafe in St. James. Check out the workshop description below. Keep in mind that space is limited, so make your reservation early (631 265 1223). We hope to see you there.

Gluten-Free Cooking for the Holidays -- Monday November, 16 2009

Join Chiropractic Neurologist and nutritional specialist Dr. W. Brent Reynolds of New Life Chiropractic and Nicole Lawrence proprietor of Feel Goods Cafe (www.feelgoodsforlife.com) for a preholiday workshop presentation designed to take the guesswork out of what to eat and prepare for the holidays for those suffering from Celiac Disease or gluten allergies. Learn about the effects of gluten on the body and the brain, how it impacts the nervous system and is associated with many other diseases not traditionally linked to food allergies. Discover the not-so-obvious gluten allergy signs as well as unexpected foods where gluten can hide. Taste savory classic Thanksgiving food samples prepared by Nicole Lawrence – gluten-free gravy, stuffing, and brownies.

Helpful tips will be given on how to organize your kitchen with dedicated pans to protect against gluten contamination and how to substitute alternative ingredients in your holiday recipes. Menu suggestions for the holiday season will be offered. Space is limited; Reservations required. Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 7:30 pm @ Feel Goods Café, 412 No. Country Road, St. James, NY. Fee: $10. Call New Life Chiropractic at 631 265 1223 for more information or to book your reservation. www.newlifechiropractic.com.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine -- Buyer Beware

As flu season looms on the horizon, much media focus has been placed on the novel H1N1 vaccine production and availability, and with it advisories as to who should be vaccinated against the Swine Flu; however little has been reported on the possible effects of a highly questionable component that may be used in the vaccine, a squalene adjuvant that can be added to heighten the body's immune reaction.

In order to make an educated decision on whether or not to vaccinate, the public must be made aware of the potentially severe side effects of turbocharged vaccinations. While squalene is naturally found in the body, injection directly into the bloodstream is an unnatural path of entry. The immune system responds to the toxic invasion by developing antibodies that attack naturally-occurring, beneficial squalene located in the nervous system. This is associated with autoimmune disorders, such as those experienced by Persian Gulf War veterans innoculated with squalene-enhanced anthrax vaccines in the 1990s -- ALS, multiple sclerosis, and lupus are but a few.

The onus is on the medical community to disclose all the facts on the H1N1 vaccine, its components, safety and efficacy, before urging mass vaccinations, as well as to advocate safe, non-invasive preventative measures. Basic hygiene such as frequent handwashing, covering mouths when coughing/sneezing, keeping hands clear of virus entry ports: eyes, nose, and mouth, and supplementing with immune-boosting Vitamin D may be the safer path. My advice: do not go blindly for a vaccine this year; do your research – make an informed choice.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Should Your Children Be Using Cell Phones?

Now that cell phones are all the rage, with grade school kids joining the pool of users, parents should be questioning how safe they are.

In a recent issue of Newsday, Environmental Working Group, a non profit organization said that more than ten years of cell phone use begins to increase chances of brain tumors, salivary gland tumors, migraines, and vertigo.

Although the industry dismisses these claims, do you really want to take a chance with your child's developing brain? With Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD,ADD, and other disorders on the rise, do our children need one more assault on their nervous systems?

If a child must have a cell phone, then when shopping for one, you should check the level of radiation that is being absorbed by the head. Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org) released a ranking of phones by the level of radiation emitted, but also suggest using a speaker phone and other tools to keep the device away from your ears.

It is difficult to say no to a child who sees all his or her friends using cell phones, but as parents we must ultimately do what is in the best interest of the child.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back To School

The 1st week of school is over—how did your children (and you) fare? Naturally it can be difficult getting back on track after a leisurely summer, but for some, specifically those with ADD or AD/HD, transitioning into the structured school routine can be especially challenging. If back to school week was a bit rough, try some of the suggestions below this week to help your child adjust to the demands of the new school year:

Get Enough Shut Eye –
A solid night’s sleep helps your child feel refreshed and alert. Inadequate sleep can make your child frustrated, irritable and may cause him to be unable to keep impulses in check. While each child’s needs differ, generally preschoolers require 11-13 hours of sleep per night; children 5-12 years old need 10-11 hours; preteens-teens 8.5-9.5 hours per night. Establishing a regular sleep schedule by going to bed the same time and waking the same time helps develop a better sleep cycle that will help your child stay attentive and sharp throughout the school day.

Fuel Your Brain and Your Body
Getting the kids off to school in the am can be very hectic and stressful, however it’s important to start them off with a healthy breakfast – fruit, whole grain cereal, oatmeal, and eggs are some good choices. A healthy diet helps neurotransmitters—our brain’s chemical messengers-- to work efficiently, affecting memory, learning, and behavior. Studies show that kids who eat a balanced breakfast perform better in school.

Keep The Snacks Healthy
It’s not easy to sell your kids on an apple or low-fat string cheese when they are bombarded daily by slick ads for sugar-laden snacks. TV junk food ads are designed for and directed at our kids. Even purported “healthy” nutrition bars often contain trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and a large percentage of sugar and saturated fat. Become a food detective. Always analyze the labels. Be on guard for the words “partially hydrogenated oils.” Even though the nutritional facts label panel reads “0 grams of trans fats” anything partially hydrogenated indicates that the product does contain trans fats; FDA guidelines permit products containing less that .5mg of trans fats per serving to list on the panel “0 grams of trans fats.” Remember, even small amounts add up. Trans fats raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Offer your kids fruit smoothies, nuts, trail mixes, or popcorn. Or, try making your own healthy snacks. Most kids of course will want the snacks that tantalize them at the supermarket or on TV, and an occasional treat is ok, but the more you incorporate these healthy foods and stress the importance of avoiding eating processed foods, the easier it will be over time to help them make the right choices on their own.

Brain Food Exercise
Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and delivers oxygen and nutrients, helping to improve brain function and performance. Children who exercise are less likely to be disruptive – elevated neurotransmitters following a workout help with focus, impulsivity and promote a sense of calm. After school, encourage the kids to get outside and play for a bit, let them burn up some of the pent up energy from sitting at their desks all day – you’ll find it may help improve focus for the day’s homework.

Avoid Electronic Over Stimulation
Kids are barraged with sensory overload from the TV, cell phones, text messaging, I-Pods, handheld electronic games, video game systems, etc. A heavy diet of electronics over stimulates the auditory and visual senses leaving many children unable to concentrate, follow directions and/or complete assignments or tasks at school or at home. Set limits—better yet, put the video games away for a rainy day or the weekend.

Organize Your Child (and Yourself)
Establish a work area and schedule that your child can stick to to finish homework in a timely manner. Parents, prepare lunches and snacks, sign off on papers, etc. the night prior; have your children select their clothes for the next school day; place backpacks, shoes, etc. in one easy access location. You’ll find just a few minutes spent in the evening will help reduce stress levels in the am and make the mad dash to the bus a little less hectic. You’ll rest easy knowing that nothing has been left behind and that your kids are off to school with a clear head, ready to face the challenges of the day.

I hope these tips help make this week and those to follow a bit smoother for your family and wish your child much success in this new school year!

-- Dr. Chiappino

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A simple procedure for Dizziness/Vertigo

About 20% of all dizziness and 50% of all dizziness in older people is due to Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). The symptoms of BPPV include dizziness or vertigo (spinning), imbalance, nausea, or lightheadedness with movement of the head. Many patients will tell me that they simply rolled over in bed or leaned their heads back and began to experience dizziness. The symptoms can last for a long time or they can come and go in short durations. The most common cause is head trauma, but much of the time there is no known cause.

In BPPV, the dizziness is thought to be due to the collection of debris or calcium carbonate crystals which form a plug in the inner ear canals. The calcium plugs don’t allow for the normal movement of fluid in the inner ear and the result is the sensation of spinning. This can be terrifying to someone to say the least. Imagine spinning around several times and having that feeling 24 hours a day!

The solution for this particular type of vertigo can be very simple and effective. Basically a practitioner places an infrared camera over the patients’ eyes and leans them back with their head off the table. If the person has true BPPV, the eyes will jump back and forth (nystagmus). This test is called the Dix Hallpike test. The procedure to move the calcium out of the canal is called the Epely Maneuver and can be performed right then in the office. Basically, the practitioner brings the patient backwards with their head back and observes their eyes with the camera. The patient is then rolled to one side slowly while the practitioner watches the eyes. When the nystagmus is reduced, they are rolled further, finally to a seated position. The patient then has to be careful to not lean their head back farther than 45 degrees for about 48 hours. This is usually a small price to pay for the benefits of the canal repositioning. Research has shown that the Epley Maneuver/Canal Repositioning is effective in about 80% of people with BPPV (Herdman et al, 1993). Please check out this website that does a great job of explaining the cause and treatments for BPPV: http://www.tchain.com/otoneurology/disorders/bppv/bppv.html

Also, the Vestibular Disorders Association has a list of practitioners around the country who perform canal repositioning maneuvers and is a great resource for those suffering from dizziness/vertigo. www.vestibular.org.

~ Dr. Reynolds

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Departures, Arrivals, and Healthcare Reform

It’s been an interesting summer watching the healthcare debate and trying to obtain sound, rational advice from different sources to decide which way to go on healthcare. You may have noticed there are people who are strongly against an overhaul of our healthcare system. Our healthcare system is full of high tech gadgets, machines that go “bing” and tests, tests, and more tests. There are lifesaving procedures, procedures to clean out arteries, not to mention the huge amount of prescription drugs that are given to reduce cholesterol, manage Diabetes, and the list goes on. Basically, if...sorry, when you get sick...(you’re supposed to get sick you know..it’s “normal.”) When you do, don’t worry, there are the contrivances to save you.

I was recently in the Orlando airport and looking for something to eat. I didn’t have a lot of time, so decided on a healthy smoothie from a place with a sign that said “healthy choices” including salads, fresh fruit, etc. I looked around and there were several places advertising their healthy menus…no lines, yippee! I can remember just a few years ago where airport food was considered 3 rungs below the average menu at a fraternity house. I was pleasantly surprised that airport food has come along way. I couldn’t help but notice that there was hardly anyone at these places. I felt free to shop around and made my smoothie choice after perusing the assortment of salads, wraps, whole wheat turkey paninis, and fresh fruit. I wasn’t starving, but wanted something to tie me over for the 2 hour flight. The one or two employees actually looked eager to help me and provide me with service. They looked down right lonely. We partook in small talk, weather, what a beautiful airport, etc. The lack of activity around the restaurant lulled me into a peacefulness that I almost forgot that I should be getting to my gate for my flight. Did I hear a cricket?

I purchased my Acai, blueberry, almond, banana smoothie and bag of almonds which were both delicious I might add and made my way to my gate. I noticed ahead of me a large gathering of people and noise, and lots of red and yellow colors. Was there an accident? No..it was..McDonalds. It was like coming out of a spa after a massage and walking onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. There were 5 registers manned with exhausted looking employees all in matching uniforms reminding me of a military battalion. Each line was 6-8 customers deep, who were staring as if hypnotized by the pictures of awesomeness at the menu above. There was a flurry of activity behind the counter as managers (3) shouted orders while one manned the fry station in place of an employee wrapped up in other business down the aisle. Employees ran around whipping out food on trays and narrowly dodged each other in an effort to shovel the product to the waiting masses. They looked overwhelmed. Did I hear a manager yell “broken arrow!”? No, just my imagination.

At the tables in front children ran around while mothers yelled, cell phones rang, people conversed, laughed. People, people, and more people! This is where the party is! There was a plethora of activity. For a split second I wanted to be apart of this gathering. The red and yellow colors made me feel anxious, like I “needed something.” I thought there might be time for a..quarter pound...no...must...pull...away. Childhood memories came flooding back: The Hamburglar, Ronald, Saturday morning cartoons, birthday parties. Party! I’m in line now. What will I order? Must figure out now! Time is short! Yellow, red...screaming, adrenaline! Then, a thought popped in my head. I was dressed in a gown sitting on a table covered with paper and being told: “I’m sorry, with what you have…the machines can’t help you.” I slowly gathered my strength and extracted myself from the frenzied vortex of sensory stimulation of cooking meat, pictures of perfect burgers, and fries..ah…fries, apple pies...OMG they brought the McRib back!!? The cold smoothie in my hand brought me to consciousness. Pull away...pull away now!

I sipped on my smoothie for strength and tried to counter act the seductive thoughts of naughtier delights by focusing on antioxidants. I’m going to feel good. I stepped out of the line with defiance. “This smoothie is great!” I said loudly so that all around could hear me in an effort to save others. No one heard me. Too late...they were all mesmerized by the MENU. Gone, with no antioxidants in hand, they didn’t have a chance.

I got to my gate in time with a sense of accomplishment and survival. I’m pleased that in 2009, there are places to choose from in an airport. I didn’t have to feel like there was one agency forcing me to eat junk food like in past where choice meant sick, sicker, or “Pepto won’t touch this.” I’m grateful to have a choice. I’m lovin it!

~Dr. Reynolds

Friday, July 31, 2009

Brain lessons from an old Bee

I just came across a fascinating article in Science Daily entitled “A young brain for an old bee.” The article talks about how when older bees switched their social roles, the aging bees can keep their learning ability intact or even improve it. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090701082718.htm

It has been known for some time that the brain can change according to the environmental stimuli put upon it. This is called plasticity. Sort of like heating up a plastic cup and molding it to the shape you want. Who you interact with, how you exercise, what you read, what you think, what you eat, are all factors in molding your brain..and it never stops your entire life. When we’re young, we know that the brain changes very quickly and is very malleable. As we get older, it gets a little more difficult to change because the neural connections for much of the brain function are well connected. Everything we experience, especially how our bodies move molds the actual structure of our brains. A brain that has many diverse connections can function better over all. Whenever we take up an activity like playing the piano, we begin to utilize different areas of the brain and the nerve cells reach out and touch other nerve cells and eventually form pathways for that particular activity. Activity must be consistent for long term changes in the brain to occur. I compare the way the brain changes to walking the same path in your yard on the grass every day. If you walked occasionally, you wouldn’t form much of a path. But if you walked the same path every day, in a year you could have a dirt path…a new “pathway.” This is why when you learn a new activity as a child, it can stay with you and you can sometimes easily resume the activity later in life even after not doing the activity for years. Our brains can change our entire lives. Although it may change slower as a middle-aged person, it still changes none the less. Many of us get stuck in the same routines as we get older and even pride ourselves on “being set in our ways.” Well maybe these bees are showing us that being set in our ways may not be the best way to experience our middle ages. It’s good to take up a new hobby, travel to places you’ve never been, meet new friends, read books on new topics, heck..even take a college class on a subject you once thought difficult. All of activities can improve change your brain for the better.

~Dr. Reynolds

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The FDA warns about the dangers of pain medications

Reading the newspaper and online articles lately has been startling. Recently, the FDA has sent out warnings against the use of Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Excedrin) and other pain medications like Vicodin and Percocet. The cover of Newsday a couple of weeks ago said that the FDA was considering banning Vicodin and other prescription pain relievers. Acetaminophen is one of the most commonly prescribed over the counter medications for pain and fever and the hydrocodone-acetaminophen combination drugs (Vicodin, Percocet) has been the most frequently prescribed drug since 1997. (JAMA 2002, Jan 16; 287 (3) 337-44.) So what's the danger? Well, from 1998 to 2003 acetaminophen was the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States. There were an estimated 56,000 emergency room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and 458 deaths related to acetaminophen-associated overdoses per year during the 1990-1998 period. What about all the perhaps thousands of deaths each year from liver disease, kidney failure that might not immediately be linked to these medications? In April 2009, the FDA issued a final regulation that strengthens labeling for over the counter (OTC) products containing acetaminophen, which helps. I understand that a person has to be responsible and use the recommended dosage so as not to risk liver injury or death. I've worked with people with severe chronic pain for years and the danger is that when a person is suffering with chronic pain in the beginning they may think about the recommended dosage, but many times after severe, often debilitating pain, they may ignore these warnings and take an exceeded amount out of desperation. It's easy to take A pill for A headache, but it's much more difficult to "not exceed 4 grams per day" when you're willing to do just about anything not to suffer with severe, chronic pain. My experience with treating patients over the years is that many people are far exceeding the recommended dose and it seems like everyone has been prescribed Vicodin for something. I find it repugnant that often times, people go to the doctor in an effort to reduce their pain and the ONLY solution they are given are these potentially harmful medications. I understand that a doctor wants to help, but the patient should be given options. First, why is there pain? What's causing it? Second, what therapies are available that would help to correct the cause of the pain? Therapies like chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, yoga, and nutrition are excellent choices that are geared towards getting to the cause and thereby eliminating pain symptoms. Pain is a warning signal that something is out of balance. Most medical doctors nowadays recommend these therapies to their patients once a disease process like a tumor, fracture, etc. has been ruled out. Of course sometimes these therapies don't work for every single person and surgery is sometimes needed, but people should at least be given a CHOICE in their pain relief. If you or a family member go to a doctor for pain, ask what alternatives or complementary therapies he/she would recommend instead of potentially harmful medications. If that doctor has negative things to say about alternative therapies, get a second opinion. Please don't settle for a minimal physical examination or no examination followed by a prescription for pain meds. Advocate for yourself, insist on finding out why you have the symptoms you have. Don't settle on JUST symptom relief, find the CAUSE. If you went to an auto mechanic and he covered up your check engine light and said "the light should go off eventually" and did nothing to find out why the light was on in the first place, it would be disconcerting to say the least. Your body is your most precious asset.

~ Dr. Reynolds

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hello everyone! Glad to finally see some sun!! I want to share with you a story that was on CBS news. The link is:


The story discusses new research that demonstrates that children who take amphetamine medications have an increased chance of sudden death. Most children who are prescribed such medications are suffering from symptomatology associated with ADHD. There are currently 2.5 million children on these kinds of medications. The doctor giving the report mentioned chiropractic care and dietary changes as alternatives or concurrent treatments. Finally, what so many of you in our practice already know!

Having a child with ADHD can certainly have its challenges, but who would risk sudden death over changing diet and neurological therapy? Obviously, not many of us. Giving medications is a quick fix for some, but the possible side effects are not worth the risk! For me, even ONE child is too much to lose!

So, what can you do? Remember the brain needs two things to reach optimal health; fuel and activation. Fuel is oxygen and nutrition, activation is all the stimulation that our environment give us.

Start with looking at your child's diet. Do they eats fruits and vegetables, are they junk food junkies? Do they only eat certain foods over and over? Eating fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, good fats are all great ideas. Limiting garbage like processed foods, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, lots of refined sugars, white flours, and any food where you can't spell (or pronounce) the ingredients is always a good rule to follow. Experiment with what you give your child and check out specialized diets like the Feingold diet and the Gluten Free/Casein Free diet. Not one diet is good for everyone, but trying one and seeing if there are changes is the best way to know if your child will benefit.

Activation comes from our environment. How much activation does your child get in front of their computer, or on their video games? Not much. This is the season to get outside, go to the parks, bike ride, hiking, swimming, etc.. The LI greenbelt is beginning some family fun hikes all over LI. (go to http://www.ligreenbelt.org/ for more info) The hikes are FREE!! Go to the beach, smell the salt water, feel the sand between your toes, swim, or just walk up and down and check out the sea shells!

So remember, to help your children, clean up their diets and get them outside.....it's good for EVERYONE!

Be Well,

Dr. Chiappino

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Glad you stopped by!

As holistic specialists in brain-based disorders, we are frequently asked questions about how neurological conditions can be addressed without drugs or invasive procedures. Having practiced in this field for over 13 years, it is promising to see society's growing preference for holistic therapies.

Chiropractic Neurology is an exciting specialty field that focuses on discovering the root cause of brain and nervous system disorders and developing safe, effective natural therapy plans to help establish brain balance. We are two of only 600 board-certified Chiropractic Neurologists in the world. Our patient base encompasses the gamut of brain disorders ranging from AD/HD and Autism Spectrum Disorders to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. In addition, Dr. Chiappino's prenatal training helps Moms-to-be achieve the best possible pregnancy.

It is our hope that this blog will educate those looking to adopt a holistic wellness plan, whether it be to address a neurological condition, facilitate a healthy pregnancy, or improve nutrition and overall health. Let us help get you on your way to a more healthy you -- naturally.